So are you ready to take a seat in Barkulan?

Barkulan is the new way of working in a professional yet relaxed environment. It’s more than just an office space–it’s an environment where you can gain valuable feedback from other members, figure out your own ideal working style, and grow with others. we offers a professional yet relaxed environment which enables people to focus on their work but also connect with other community members in their own time.

The community at Barkulan is diverse, with people from all walks of life. The common denominator is that they are all here to learn and grow in the art of entrepreneurship.If you are looking for an environment where you can focus on your work while connecting with the community in your own time, then Barkulan is the place for you.The community at Barkulan consists of a wide range of individuals from start-ups, designers and developers, but also content creators. They share their skills, brainstorm ideas and collaborate with each other to build products that are useful for the community or even further develop their businesses.

Barkulan offers a professional yet relaxed environment which enables people to focus on their work but also connect with other community members in their own time.

Laptop Ready

Barkulan is a new way to work — a place where you can roam freely and do what you do best without a restrictive environment. Lot of people wonder if we provide laptops or computer but, we aren’t the whole idea is to provide you some tools to facilitate work and increase your productivity by providing an organized desk with essentials for instance; a screen monitor , flexible desks and range of Bluetooth keyboards .

Event Space Available

Since our community are mostly workaholics for further r need a little entertainment stress free environment, we manage to bring them some interesting events to flourish their mind but also we let them bring theirs, we organize with them at our event space, rentable for the non-members but fully available for the members we also provide them : TV Screen to Host Presentations, white board , and a training room for their projects preps.

Coffee and Tea

In a world where it’s so easy to get distracted and lose focus, coffee and tea can be a lifesaver when it comes to productivity for that fact, We provide our members free & discounted Coffee and tea because both are an energizing source of caffeine and an opportunity for coworkers to talk about what’s going on in their lives outside of work (or even work-related topics). This conversation can be one of the most valuable parts of working together! They also appreciate being able to take breaks together, chat about work, and grab a cup of coffee or tea while they’re at it.

photo by Soumaya

Small library

The small library and book shelves were provided to the members to read and nourrish their mind throughout their journey.We provide the books for free, but we encourage everyone to donate what they can so that we can continue building this library for free for anyone who needs it. Our mission is to help people learn more about themselves, others and the world around them through reading books. We believe that reading helps people build empathy, compassion, and critical thinking skills that are essential to living a meaningful life. It’s a place where they can get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, to relax, read and nourrish your mind throughout their journey and even created a book discussion events.

Takeaway: You can easily sign up for a membership or take a seat if you are in need of workspace, and enjoy the perks that come with being part of the Barkulan community.

