Xalkadoon Hackathon Competition

25 February 2023 | By Soumaya Mahdi

As a collaborator and host of the Xalkadoon hackathon competition, Barkulanhub had the pleasure of working closely with SomDigital Solutions and Fikrcamp to organize a thrilling event that was solely focused on technology. The competition brought together teams with diverse tech backgrounds to tackle some of the biggest environmental challenges we face today.

The theme of the competition was climate change and the environment, which are two of the most critical issues facing our planet. Climate change is causing rising sea levels, more frequent natural disasters, and devastating impacts on biodiversity. The environment is also threatened by pollution, deforestation, and overfishing, among other issues. The stakes are high, and there is an urgent need for innovative solutions to help address these problems.

Xalkadoon provided a platform for teams with tech backgrounds to develop innovative solutions to these challenges. The teams leveraged their technical expertise to develop interactive games, apps, and devices that can inspire people to take action and create a more sustainable future. The app that one team developed tracks daily activities to identify areas for improvement in reducing carbon footprints. Another team created a platform that connects consumers with local farmers, making it easier for people to buy locally sourced, organic produce.

All of the teams had a tech background, which made the competition even more exciting. It demonstrated how technology can be used as a powerful tool to help reduce our impact on the environment and conserve natural resources. One team even came up with a novel solution for cleaning up plastic waste from our oceans using a combination of drones and underwater robots. These kinds of ideas show how technology can be used to create innovative solutions that can help address some of the most pressing environmental issues that we face today.

At the end of the competition, the teams presented their ideas to a panel of judges who evaluated them based on feasibility, creativity, and potential impact. After much deliberation, the judges announced the winner of the competition, who received a prize of $700 USD.

Aside from the prize money, the real reward was the opportunity for tech professionals to come together, collaborate, and work towards a common goal. Events like Xalkadoon provide a platform for tech professionals to leverage their skills and expertise to make a positive impact on the world. By coming together, they were able to create innovative solutions that can help address some of the most pressing environmental issues that we face today.

Barkulanhub, SomDigital Solutions, and Fikrcamp are to be commended for organizing such an impactful event. It is my hope that events like Xalkadoon will continue to inspire more people to use technology as a tool for creating a more sustainable future. By leveraging technology and collaborating across different fields, we can make a real difference and leave a better world for future generations.

